You’ve probably added a few new plant delights to the garden, watched a few of your perennials re-bloom, and maybe added an accessory or two. But, all of a sudden it’s mid-JUNE (what exactly happened to May, I wonder?), and the garden is just not quite yet where you want it to be. I know mine is definitely not.
Well, don’t worry. There’s still plenty of plant material available at your local garden center that will survive the heat of summer. In fact, some plants can still provide blooms for months to come and even bring you a burst of fall interest.
A theme with me lately is selecting plants that are bred and trialed specifically for my region. It’s just a good indicator that the plants you purchase will really flourish in your unique climate. Some national plant brands do test their products all over the U.S. and can be trusted to offer quality plant material that will thrive in multiple climates. Oftentimes, a local grower is a great way to go when purchasing reliable plants just for your garden.
Garden Splendor is a regional plant brand that selects and grows only the best plants for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions available at local independent garden centers. I know them well, since I help assess and write about these plants.
Garden Splendor even has a special yearly plant line it identifies as Showcase Varieties which epitomize the best of breeding and beauty in a plant for their region. This year, the horticulturists have selected eight such plants deemed worthy of this title:
1. Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Sem'
2. Dicentra 'Candy Hearts'
3. Echinacea 'Tiki Torch'
4. Penstemon 'Red Riding Hood’
5. Phlox paniculata 'Peppermint Twist'
6. Salvia 'Eveline'
7. Sedum rupestre 'Angelina'
8. Veronica 'Purpleicious'

The two images above are my favorites, the recently award-winning Echinacea ‘Tiki Torch’ (Left) and a hardy variety that provides colorful interest nearly all year, Sedum 'Angelina' (Right). However, they are all beauties, so definitely check them out. And, if you’re in the Northeast or Mid-Atlantic, listen-up for Garden Splendor on radio gardening programs such as WOR / Garden Hotline with host, Ralph Snodsmith, and Paul Parent Gardening Club with host, Paul Parent!
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